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Obama’s Immigration Reform Plan Revealed

November 21, 2014

Obama’s Immigration Reform

From New York Immigration Lawyer

President Obama today announced his plan for the reform of the broken Immigration system in the US.  While the details of the action will be revealed in the months to come, the President stated that he would start a new Deferred Action Plan, now for parents of the US citizens and permanent residents regardless of age.  The plan should,  undoubtedly, affect many, but it should not be the only President’s action.

If implemented like DACA, the plan should allow undocumented parents of the US citizens and permanent residents to receive protection  from  removal, work authorization and ability to travel internationally.

Answering President’s rhetorical question,  we can say that “We are the nation who finds a way to welcome hardworking and striving individuals, and we are the nation of immigrants.”

It remains everybody’s hope that the President’s plan will become ACTION in the nearest future, and maybe, will be even  broader than the initial announcement.